Wednesday, September 23, 2009

School Work

My friend, Serena, gave me the idea of taking a picture of the school work I am proud of in order to share it with everyone. And that's exactly what I did! (Thanks, girl! Hope you don't mind!) The apple painting is Landon's. His teacher handed me this painting and said "I need to preface this work with a statement. I did NOT do this for him, he was just that neat!" I found this hilarious because 1: She obviously doesn't know my obsessive child well yet, and 2: His painting was, by far, the neatest I've ever seen him create! I am very proud and will keep this for later years when I am giving lectures on sloppy handwriting. On second thought, with him, I may never have the need! The grade card is Claire's interim grade report. All A's!!!! We have been repeatedly reminded this year that grades will be taken. Claire has been weary of this and seems to be performing at her best level. Obviously!!! Anyway, the discussion of the grade report is as follows: Mommy: "Oh Claire! I'm so proud of have all A's on your report card!" Claire: "I do? How did that happen?" Mommy: "You worked hard, followed the directions and your teacher gave you A's!" Claire: "But Mommy, I missed one on that spelling test, remember? I forgot the period on the sentence!" Mommy: "One missed period does not result in a lower letter grade, honey!" Claire: "Thank goodness! Now I can be excited!" Excited indeed!
PS: Each week Claire has ten spelling words they are tested over. Then the teacher dictates two sentences that they must write. These sentences must be capitalized, punctuated and all the spelling words spelled correctly to get it right. The first test, Claire forgot to put a period at the end of one of the sentences. She was terrified that day and has not done it since!

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