Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Landon's 1st Day of Pre-K

With the backpack before school. I'm not sure what's with the goofy grin! He's so darn cute!

Landon started Pre-K this week.

If I could leave this blog at that sentence I'd be better than having to write out how that first day went. Not because he was a mess, or cried or didn't want to stay...but because he was SO good, did NOT cry and obviously wanted to stay! So, who was the mess, cried and didn't want to leave? ME! My baby boy was so grown up walking in the classroom, saying good morning to the teacher and playing with his new friends. I barely got a "Bye, Mom" before he was lost in the crowd.

Now, I get it. I complained last year about him crying before we even left the house to go to school; the constant hugging and holding while I tried to leave the classroom. It was frustrating and sad for this Mommy. But a little hug or kiss would be nice!!!! He is going three days a week, even though the program is five days. I just can't let him go...he'll be gone everyday soon enough! But the teacher and program are superb, and I really wanted Landon to have that this year. So he get's a part-time Pre-K status, which is just fine with both of us!

When I picked him up he was nonstop talking about the things they learned, books they read, toys they played with, etc. He loved it. Plain and simple. He returned today in the same fashion. I miss him... I can't believe he's getting so big... I want to play Legos... I'm gonna go cry now...

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