Monday, September 20, 2010


Some things test your patience. Some things stand the test of time. Take a spelling test. Test the water temp, test the mic, test your skills, test your faith... In the duration of a day, one is tested over and over. When tested, some people stay calm. Others tend to the "crazy" side. As for me, it depends on the situation. I'm stating this fact only as an observation I've had during the last week. Geoff had knee surgery again. And although all precautions were taken to have this situation not end like the last...I'm still tested. Geoff went to the ER today to be checked for a blood clot. The result was negative, thank GOD!!!! But in that hour before the results were known my mental state was tested. From fear, to anger, to relief...I can't iterate how helpless I felt. All is well, the patient is asleep and the kids are playing happily. And now that I'm done reflecting, I shall be happy too.

1 comment:

I'm just sayin' said...

So glad as is well, my sweet friend! I will keep Geoff in my prayers. Loved the emotion and thought in your true! Miss ya!