Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Thanksgiving Tree

Landon's tree. The trunk is made of a cutout of his hand (which he cut all by himself)! I did not help with his leaves, he came up with the things he was most thankful for all by himself.
Claire's tree...she spent several minutes thinking through her options before putting the most important ones on the leaves. She often inspires me, and reminds me, to slow down and look around before putting things in writing (or to memory in my case).

My children get a whole week off from school and activities for Thanksgiving. Imagine my surprise (hahaha) when they were at each other's throats this morning before we could even get ready for church. So being the crafty Mommy that I am (another hahaha), I started them on a project. The end results were so heartfelt and sweet, I had to share. I also must note that both kiddos were sharing and visiting, nicely, throughout this crafting session. We even had a discussion about Jesus, and the Trinity and just what all that means. Although I'm pretty sure most of that went right over their heads, they listened intently and with such concentration that they quit working with their hands and just sat and stared at me! (Or maybe I'm just that boring of a storyteller!) Anyway, I love what my children are thankful for...and if I could make a Thanksgiving Tree, I would have each of their names on a leaf, along with my wonderful husband and all their attributes that make us a wonderful family. How truly blessed we are...

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