Friday, September 23, 2011

Ended Too Soon

I scrolled through the several years of blog posts our family has before writing this one. Posts that make me laugh, cry and just shake my head. Memories that are forever written in words and captured by pictures. Sometimes when I write a post, I'm thinking about the million things I need to get done, and not reliving whatever wonderful, funny or important life event that I feel needs to be stamped in time. But that has changed...I'm making a point to live more in the moment. To not be so concerned about the bills, or the homework or ironed clothes. Ok, well, maybe I'm still a little obsessive about these things, but the memories behind them are what I'm thinking about now. The back-story for all this? Sadly, a tragic ending to a life. A life taken too soon, according to all who loved her on earth. A life that was so closely intermingled with our family, that she was part of blog posts, and memories and the important events that our family has been so lucky to enjoy.

Sara Elizabeth Symons was killed tragically in a car accident on September 1, 2011. She was the daughter of our best friends/neighbors in Bentonville. But she was our daughter too; Claire was her little sister and Geoff was "Uncle Geoff". She did homework projects at our house, babysat our children, went on family vacations with us...we watched her cheer, she watched Claire dance and Landon play tee ball. We celebrated her accomplishments as much as we celebrated our own children's. Like I said...our families were as close as they come.

These are the things I choose to remember; to talk about. Sara taught our family that enjoying even the small moments is what's important. She taught my children that striving to be your best doesn't mean you have to be rude or deceitful. I believe she also taught them loving your parents is cool no matter what your friends might say! Not to speak for him, but Sara taught Geoff what he will need to know when Claire gets older. These are the things I choose to remember. And what I will talk about with my children when they say "I miss Sara". She will always be there in the back our hearts, helping us choose to take time to love each other; because you never know when it might end. And it will always be too soon.

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