Saturday, April 11, 2009

Eggs to Color, Eggs to Find

Yes, there is a difference, according to my children. We colored eggs yesterday evening. Bright colors, stickers, glitter, even some wraps that shrink to the egg when put in boiling water (thanks Gram!). But these eggs are only to color and then admire, not for hiding and finding. I asked them when we had finished if they wanted me to go hide them. The response: "No way, these are way too pretty and too much work, get out the plastic ones and we'll find those!". Okay so now our beautiful eggs are in the fridge, probably never to be seen again! PS: I hard-boiled these eggs. Landon thought this was the coolest thing he'd ever seen...eggs he could plop in the color and wouldn't break!

After re-mulching all of our landscaping today, we went to the neighborhood "spring fling" where there was a bounce house, tatoos, bubbles and an egg hunt. The kiddos had fun playing with their friends, bouncing and bubbling. But, I think yard work tuckered everyone's 8:00 and everyone is already asleep!

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