Wednesday, May 26, 2010

3's Preschool Graduation

Singing the alligator song.
Counting backwards to blast-off!

Landon's preschool class had a "graduation" program to finish out their year as "3's". Although they still have another week of school (make-ups for the ice days), they were prepped and ready to complete their year and move on up in the world of preschool. There was no pomp and circumstance, or hats for that matter. Just mostly showing off their mad skills they had acquired. Counting, rhyming, and saying the pledge of allegiance were a few of those skills. They also sang several songs. Landon was so cute, and knew every word and action to everything they performed. I didn't cry, or even get emotional, except to giggle when Landon would look over at me and grin that crazy, wide-mouthed grin! I'll save the tears for next year! For now, I'm enjoying his feats and accomplishments as my baby!

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