Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What's Next on the Agenda?

As the last of the April showers left us, and there were LOTS of them, I realized that May will bring lots of bittersweet endings (excuse me as a tear rolls down my cheek!). Our family will become Kansans once again this summer, and therefore alot of things that happen in the next month will have more significance than they might have if we weren't moving. Landon will graduate from Preschool, which would have happened anyway, but he's graduating from a preschool that has cared for and taught both my children all 5 years we've lived here. Claire's dance recital will be the last one with all her friends, and with a fantastic dance studio that will be missed beyond words. Field days, tee ball games, birthday parties, and special playdates will round out the schedule. And although all these things will have replacements when we move, and be just as wonderful, it's hard to say goodbye. But now we talk about all the fun things we will do with our more special events or important dates missed. This brings a smile to all our faces. And so, let the bittersweetness begin as a new chapter is started in the Daniel family's lives.

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