Friday, December 12, 2008

Crazy week

So besides Landon's birthday, we've had lots of other things happening this week that are quite interesting. First off, Landon has his 3-year-checkup at the Dr. Okay, I know what your thinking..."He's been to plenty, don't need to hear about this on the blog". This one was different. Landon did NOT want to go. I bribed him with a tractor just to get into the truck! Once we got there, he seemed fine. Then the nurse called his name. He turned around in his chair and held on to it screaming "I'm not going to the doctor"! I am not even kidding! It only got worse; Landon wouldn't be weighed, have his temp taken, let the doctor look in his nose and mouth...pretty much nothing could be done. He screamed and cried the whole time! I was mortified, and completely relieved when we left. Maybe his trip to the allergist has tainted him forever!

On a sweeter note, Claire was quite a chef Tuesday evening after dance class and offered to make dinner for us (excluding Daddy, who was out of town). We leave at 4 and get home around 7, so Tues. dinner is usually in the crock pot or something from the microwave. Claire made PB sandwiches, bananas, carrots and celery and, of course, cheetos. She got out paper plates and filled them with her creations for each of us; she even filled glasses with water! I was proud of her, but probably not as proud as she was of herself! It was a fun dinner for us all.

Thursday I went up to the school to do sight word testing in Claire's classroom. This was so fun as it reminded me of my old days working in the schools. I guess I've been at school alot, because all but a couple kids recognized me as "Claire's mom" and enjoying showing off their reading skills for me. I am impressed by the level of advancement these 5-year-olds are at...amazed too. Claire and about 4 others in her class have mastered every list so far this year, and most of the others are not too far behind.

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