Sunday, June 21, 2009

When is Landon Day?

Our Father's day started off with breakfast in bed and presents, the children then singing in church and then a nice lunch out. We went to the mall next...Daddy needed new shoes. The kids and I were waiting around the shoe dept. while Daddy did his thing and Landon says "I want presents too, Momma." I told him it was Daddy's day, so only he got presents today. Landon asked "When is Landon's day...I want presents!" I told Landon that his birthday was his special day for presents and it wasn't for a while. Claire decided to chime in with "I think there should be a Sister's Day." I countered with asking when it would be. "July 1st" was the answer. So, I asked her about Brother's Day? Claire responded: "July 2nd, Mom, right after sister day!". Being a glutton for punishment, I asked Claire what she would do on her "day". "Buy new high-heeled shoes, just like Daddy!" I had to ask...

1 comment:

The Hooper Family said...

Geoff...did you hear your daughter, Sister's Day July 1st. I'm ignoring the rest of her comment :)

Hope you had a great day!