Monday, January 24, 2011

The things kids say...

My child is not saying something cute or silly, which is usually why I would blog. No, it's not some wonderful insight of child wisdom, or interesting tidbit about bodily functions. Nope...this blog is about the word 'stupid'. I've tried REALLY hard to keep my children from using this word, and synonyms for it, since their first word was spoken. Claire understands the harm of the word and doesn't use it often, and when she does, knows immediately what look her mother is going to give her. Landon, on the other hand, has yet to make this connection. It's just been in the last couple of months that it's become an issue. It used to be here and there, without thinking, and remorse quickly followed. But this morning he called his Daddy stupid while telling him to stop doing something...major punishment ensued. I asked why he uses that word so freely now, especially because he knows how much Mommy despises it. His response: "My buddies at school say it all the time. It's just a normal word, Momma." This Mommy has a lot of training ahead of her to get that word from the 'normal' list back to the 'never use' list!

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