Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer Favorites

1. Short haircuts...for both Claire and I!
2. Kool Aid bottles and Juice Boxes.
3. Getting wet and staying wet for hours at a time, either by the pool, lake or hoses in the backyard.
4. Spontaneous trips to the lake with our friends, the Symons'.
5. Endless playdates with generally no time limit.
6. Staying up late because "the sun is still awake". (Landon)
7. Going on evening walks as a family, but not getting very far because we stop and talk (play) with neighbors.
8. Taking trips to Kansas to see family for more than a couple days.
9. Working on skills for KG and watching Claire's excitement. (Okay, this is Claire's fave, but NOT mine, it makes me teary just writing about it!!)
10. Spending time with family and friends in the warm sun and thinking how blessed we are to be in this moment!

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