Saturday, January 26, 2008

Some Interesting Tidbits

So things have been pretty normal around here lately. We've played, gone to school, and caught a cold. Life's been good for the most part. I love it when I can say that and not put a sarcastic remark behind it! Here are some things that were "cute" that happened this week...
*Landon has learned his bathroom step stool is portable, and takes it everywhere he needs to reach things in the house; and the garage. I couldn't find my little munchkin the other day, and low and behold, he's in the garage, standing on his stool at Daddy's work bench, "fixing" things. He had a drill, hammer, wrench and several other tools and he was working on a roll of duct tape. Darling, as long as he doesn't fix my truck, or anything else more valuable or less replaceable!
*Claire learned about outer space this week at school. She came home more talkative than ever...such things as: Do you know the name of the littlest planet way out in outer space? It's Pluto, like Mickey's dog!! (We're Mickey Mouse Clubhouse watchers in this house). She told me the sun was the biggest star, and that it is always shining, just not on us. That God made the Earth our home because it has water, and in her opinion, the stars are the prettiest thing God has made. Now, I don't know about you, but a 4-year-old talking about such things seems odd, but nonetheless, impressive! We love Ms. Betty (Claire's teacher), because she knows that such things are interesting to our children and can somehow make the information memorable.
*Also, Geoff had an exciting last evening. He got a super deal on new wheels for Momma's truck. I've never seen him so proud, and in awe of his beautiful new toy. Wait a second, shouldn't I be saying that about his children, or at least me? Well, you all know Geoff...I'm sure a picture will be on this blog soon. Don't get me wrong, I do like them...alot.
*As I proofread this, I realize how lucky I am to be able to write such wonderful things...and I am thanking God right now. I know that sounds mushy, but I'm feeling a bit sentimental...and you can never be too gracious.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sure Claire's interest in outter space is from our night in the backyard watching the meteor shower. But where she gets her advanced intelligence is anyone's guess. They're both so smart it's kinda scary. Love ya and miss ya